New Year's Resolutions || 2024


I hate making New Year’s resolutions because I find them to be unrealistic.  For 2024, I'm focusing on setting achievable goals and resolutions for myself.  

2024 New Year’s Resolutions 

  • unchecked

    Read 12 books 

  • unchecked

    Declutter my closet

  • unchecked

    Practice yoga regularly

  • unchecked

    Travel to one new place

  • unchecked

    Save money 

  • unchecked

    Drink more water 

  • unchecked

    Continue gratitude journaling 

  • unchecked

    Take daily vitamins

  • unchecked

    Walk more

These New Year’s resolutions range from very specific (read # books) to general (drink more water).  I know myself and my motivations well, so I know that the seven major items on my list are realistic even if they are not super specific.  This is because I personally can find super specific goals much too niche and, thus, harder for me to accomplish.  However, if you are someone who wants to set very specific goals, some examples are found below: 

Turning general goals into specific, accomplishable goals

For example: “Save money” could become “Save X dollars”.  This can be made even more specific depending on your exact goals, i.e. “Save $5,000 in an emergency savings account”.  

My list now becomes: 

2024 New Year’s Resolutions (specific) 

  • unchecked

    Read 12 books 

  • unchecked

    Sell 10 items on Poshmark

  • unchecked

    Practice yoga 1x per week

  • unchecked

    Travel to one new place

  • unchecked

    Save $10,000

  • unchecked

    Drink at least 5 cups of water per day

  • unchecked

    Continue daily gratitude journaling 

  • unchecked

    Take daily multivitamin and vitamin D

  • unchecked

    Go for a walk 3x per week

Seeing both of these lists can be helpful, and setting meaningful milestones are a great way to measure your progress and stay on track throughout your year.  

Other ways to stay on track with resolutions and goals are to create fun trackers.  
